[ Varanasi ]
Time flies when you get caught up in things. Especially nice things: photography, reading, exploring–and making huge strides on the updated version of this website. If you’re reading this, it’s because I finished that work; transferring some content from Facebook, finalizing all the visual styles and photo choices, and working out the kinks for a Phase One release. Phase One means everything but the Merchandise and Services sections will be available, though some of the travelogues may be incomplete.
While working through all of this, I have relied upon my Facebook Transglobalist page as a micro-blog and have simply posted there instead. Ultimately, that’s not ideal, but it has kept us connected in the interim.
I’m including for your convenience links to the 4 photo sets I’ve posted in my first week here in Banaras. Through today.
Varanasi: The Arrival (3 photos)
Varanasi: Round 2 (7 photos)
Varanasi: Hot, Muggy, and in need of some Rain (10 photos)
Varanasi, Days 4-5 (17 photos)
Best from Varanasi,